Sunday, March 05, 2006


This has been an eventful weekend, to say the least. For starters, we went to the Autorama yesterday and saw a bunch of these...........

We walked around there for a few hours and then headed to the Monster Jam at Ford Field. Where we saw lots of these...........

Last but certainly not least, was my favorite of the night....

Today, we had to head to a birthday/anniversary party and then to the mall to get these.....

So maybe they aren't exactly like these shown, but it was as close as I could find to them. I have actually been searching for shoes for weeks and ended up just settling on these because I'm way too frustrated to shoe shop anymore. They are just for work and will mostly be hidden under long scrubs, so why do I care anyhow??? All a part of being female, I suppose! LOL

To sum it up, this has truly been a very busy weekend full of adventure...I'm glad that we did everything that we did (even though I did whine about it a little), and I'll also be very glad to chill after I get done with this last load of laundry for the day!

Hope everyone also had a wonderful weekend!!!

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